Are you interested in understanding how #Qtum operates. Let's explore it together:.

12 Sep 2023, 19:14
Are you interested in understanding how #Qtum operates? Let's explore it together: 1️⃣ UTXO Model: Qtum uses a #UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output) model for accounting, similar to #Bitcoin. This model provides security and reliability. 2️⃣ Solidity Smart Contracts: It features a smart contract platform powered by Solidity. #Developers can build #decentralized applications (#DApps) using this familiar language. 3️⃣ Account Abstraction Layer: This layer bridges the UTXO model and the Ethereum Virtual Machine (#EVM). It enables smart contract execution on the Qtum platform. 4️⃣ Proof of Stake (#PoS): Qtum employs a custom PoS consensus mechanism to enhance #security. It's more energy-efficient than traditional #PoW systems.